Supine Bridge (S6)


Lie on your back with the WAV resting across your hip bones, holding it in place with an overhand grip. Bend your knees to a comfortable angle ensuring your entire foot is equally weighted. Lift your hips towards the ceiling maintaining the natural curves of your spine. Lower back down to the floor slowly.


Facilitate hip extension directly from the gluteals with approxmiation from the WAV to the anterior pelvis with an emphasis on grounding the pelvis.


VERBAL: Feel grounded through your feet, supported by your breath and balanced in the dynamic of your feet and hips working synergistically.

BE MINDFUL: Feel connected to the ground with your head, shoulders and pelvis. * Are you working equally through your right and left sides so that the WAV stays level on your hips as you go up and down? * To prevent any gripping of the gluteals and back musculature.

WAV INTERACTION: Allow the WAV to be a level for your pelvis as you move up and down. * Keep calm and quiet.

Common Compensations

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Cervical Reclination
  • Decentration - Palmer Region
  • Abberant Weight Shifting
Flow Focus

Lie on your back with the WAV resting across your hip bones, holding it in place with an overhand grip. Bend your knees to a comfortable angle ensuring your entire foot is equally weighted. Lift your hips towards the ceiling maintaining the natural curves of your spine. Lower back down to the floor slowly.

Facilitate hip extension directly from the gluteals with approxmiation from the WAV to the anterior pelvis with an emphasis on grounding the pelvis.

Cues Common Compensations

VERBAL: Feel grounded through your feet, supported by your breath and balanced in the dynamic of your feet and hips working synergistically.

BE MINDFUL: Feel connected to the ground with your head, shoulders and pelvis. * Are you working equally through your right and left sides so that the WAV stays level on your hips as you go up and down? * To prevent any gripping of the gluteals and back musculature.

WAV INTERACTION: Allow the WAV to be a level for your pelvis as you move up and down. * Keep calm and quiet.

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Cervical Reclination
  • Decentration - Palmer Region
  • Abberant Weight Shifting